#99 Why The Workshop Process Works

Welcome everyone to the Craft & Draft podcast! We are so excited to bring you what we love, talking with you about workshop, literacy, writing, reading, and real world teaching. 

No matter how many times Jacob and Pam work with students and adults using the process for writing, they are continuously amazed at how it works every time!  It is like magic!

In the this episode, Jacob shares how the participants in his latest professional development workshop enjoyed hearing from his students.  His students demonstrated how the writing process works. They inspired teachers to go ahead and trust the process.

Pam shares how her trust developed over the years.  She did not begin by using an authentic approach to writing.  

Join Jacob and Pam as they discuss why they trust the writing process and how that trust influences their work inside and outside of the classroom.  May you be inspired to trust the process daily in your workshop, too!