#114 Fostering Creativity in Workshop Teaching

Welcome everyone to the Craft & Draft podcast! We are so excited to bring you what we love, talking with you about workshop, literacy, writing, reading, and real world teaching. 

In this episode, Jacob and Pam discuss creativity and how to utilize it in the workshop.  Pam shares how creativity can be taught while Jacob speaks on how creativity belongs in the writing workshop because it drives engagement.

Jacob and Pam highlight a few strategies that they use to help students exercise their creative muscles.  They both recognize that many students struggle with being creative as they become older.  It seems like school diminishes a student’s ability to be original and unique. It is our job as educators to bring creativity to the writing workshop.

Join Jacob and Pam as they share how creativity enhances the writing in their classrooms.  May you find a few ideas to sponsor creativity, too!