#23 Laura Robb: Entering the Writing Life

Welcome everyone to the Craft & Draft podcast! We are so excited to bring to you what we love, talking with you about workshop, literacy, writing, reading, and real world teaching. 

We stand on the shoulders of the giants who have gone before us!  Laura Robb is one of those giants in education.  She has taught Reading and Writing for over 40 years to students and teachers.  She has written more than 30 books about our craft. Pam leaned heavily on Laura’s book Teaching Reading in Middle School (2000) when she began teaching reading in middle school. 

In this episode, Jacob and Pam speak to Laura Robb about how our students are not writing. She discusses how teachers must create writing workshops that encourage students to write meaningful pieces.  She shares how teachers must write and allow choice, as well as the freedom for students to work through the genuine writing process.  

Join Jacob and Pam as they participate in a conversation with Laura Robb. Let’s learn together how we can help our children enter the writing life!  

You DO NOT want to miss this one!