#223 Objectives: Posted or Not Posted?

Welcome everyone to the Craft & Draft podcast! We are so excited to bring you what we love, talking with you about workshop, literacy, writing, reading, and real world teaching. 

Jacob listened to an educational podcast episode this past weekend. The topic that caught attention was whether or not objectives should be posted in the class for the students.  

In this episode, Jacob and Pam offer their response – objectives help teachers focus their students as well as guide the learning before, during and after the lesson.  Jacob shares how he felt the first time he was told he had to post his standards.  Pam explains a bit of her history on how she had to post the objectives over time.  

They both discuss their own observations from teacher and supervisor point of views.

Join Jacob and Pam as they ponder on whether to post or not to post. Remember, if you have questions or topics you want answered or discussed, please let them know!

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