#47 Is Freedom LESS Rigorous?

Welcome everyone to the Craft & Draft podcast! We are so excited to bring to you what we love, talking with you about workshop, literacy, writing, reading, and real world teaching.

How does freedom to learn in the classroom impact rigor?

Jacob and Pam think about this question and begin their discussion by defining rigor. Is it high expectations, such as strict guidelines regarding product and grades or is it about what the student learns and how the student grows. Pam shares how she was impacted negatively by an assignment that included high expectations. 

Freedom in the classroom often gets misinterpreted as non-rigorous, however the opposite is true.  Freedom when guided by the teacher allows students to achieve at high levels of rigor in their learning. Jacob shares how authentic work creates authentic rigor. He creates a new rigor phrase!

Join Jacob and Pam as they discuss choice in the workshop and how our students must have the freedom to learn. Let’s keep our students learning and bring freedom to your workshop.