#68 Motivation—A Secret Sauce

Welcome everyone to the Craft & Draft podcast! We are so excited to bring you what we love, talking with you about workshop, literacy, writing, reading, and real world teaching.

Motivation has maintained a primary topic in education for years. Motivating students takes practice and a deep understanding of their students interests, understanding and skills.

In this episode, Jacob and Pam converse about how they approach motivation in their classroom. Jacob shares how we must scaffold for our students, but not removing them will hinder motivation. Pam shares how learning occurs when students work within an area of challenge that pushes them forward in their understanding of new concepts. 

Jacob brings up in the conversation how teachers need to be mindful of stepping in too early. While Pam shares a story about how wait time puts a bit of pressure on the students which motivates them to find answers and solutions. 

Join Jacob and Pam as they explore motivation in their classroom; how they walk an artful road of guidance and freedom; and what impacts that motivation.